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RVing in the Desert Southwest: Destinations & Travel Tips

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Some RVers always head to an oceanfront campsite, others like to be in the middle of a lush national park and some enjoy boondocking lakeside with their fully equipped RVs. There is also a breed of RVers that loves nothing more than to RV in the desert, specifically the desert Southwest. Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada are very popular with year-round RVers who migrate to warmer climates and settle down for a few weeks at a time.Read More »RVing in the Desert Southwest: Destinations & Travel Tips

Are RV Solar Panels Worth Buying?

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When people think about getting solar panels for their RVs they imagine all the freedom that goes with being self-contained. No more need for camping in the pricier campsites because there’s no longer a need for electrical hook ups. They think that they’ll no longer need that loud generator to run the AC or have a movie-watching marathon while it’s drizzling outside. Most people also imagine they’ll be saving tons of money with the newfound freedom to boondock anywhere and anytime.Read More »Are RV Solar Panels Worth Buying?