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Working & RVing Full Time (Part III of III): Temporary Jobs to Fit Your Changing Needs

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People RVing full time aren’t the only ones who like “temp work.” Many different types of people use staffing agencies or go directly to employers to find temporary employment. Creative people, like artists and musicians, often support themselves by temping. The reason why actors and artists like using staffing agencies is because of the flexibility the work schedule affords them. They can work a few weeks at a job, take a break and work on their personal projects, all without breaking a long-term commitment to an employer. For RVers, the break is all about setting out on new adventures. Afterwards, you may be in a different town but you can always pick up a different temp job soon enough! Here’s how you navigate the world as a temporary worker.

Is Going to a Staffing Agency Better than Doing it on My Own?

Some people like placement agencies because they can negotiate higher rates and, again, the flexible schedule is always enticing for those RVing full time. While this type of work rarely offers health insurance and other such benefits, there are usually some options for a healthcare plan through the agency. However, keep in mind that these rates are higher than other plans that may be available to you based on your income.

The great thing about temp jobs is that you often get paid weekly and you can choose the amount of time you’d like to spend at a job. Also, staffing agencies are great for finding you a job with the most ease. They often test you ahead of interviews to match your skills and qualifications to the job’s requirements.  You can then just relax until you’re called to show up at work! There is usually little to no obligation to accept all jobs offered and you can pick and choose according to your RVing plans.

Is There a Wide Range of Jobs Available Through an Agency?

For the most part, you’re looking at doing administrative work or industrial jobs. Basically, you’ll likely be doing light physical labor or clerical work.

Some typical administrative positions you’ll be placed in include but are not limited to:

  • Administrative assistant
  • Data entry
  • Receptionist
  • Bookkeeper
  • Sales/Marketing assistant
  • Customer service

Some standard industrial jobs include but are not limited to:

  • Assembly
  • Machine operator
  • Shipping/receiving
  • Janitorial
  • Day laboring
  • Handy man
  • Horticultural specialist

Pay rates for jobs found through temping agencies vary depending on experience and the type of job offered, but on average, you can expect a range of $10-$15 an hour, with specialized jobs that require expertise often offering hourly rates above $35 an hour. Most staffing agencies offer direct deposit pay, which is always nice.

The great thing about temp work is that if you do not enjoy a job, there’s always a clear end in sight. If you do like the job and the employer has the need for a permanent employee, you can always consider staying on, too.

If you’re committed to getting back out on the road after a couple of paychecks, the work you’ll find through staffing agencies can be just what you need. Temp jobs can be rewarding and a great way to pick up new skills at various jobs. If you’re on the fence about making full-time RVing a permanent life choice, you’re still expanding your skill set and improving your resume by taking on different jobs.

While the work found through these sorts of placement agencies pays relatively well, they do not pay as well as virtual/telecommuting jobs (see Part I of this series).

Is Going Directly to Local Employers for Temporary Work a Good Idea?

Approaching employers directly with your resume is always a good idea and can even pay more than jobs found through placement agencies. You’ll have the best luck with seasonal jobs, where companies need gift wrapping and packaging orders. If you’re disciplined enough to do the research to find out who’s hiring, you’ll find many of the same jobs staffing agencies offer. Janitorial and maintenance jobs are available too, as are hospitality and retail jobs. Depending on where you’re traveling in your RV, you may even find farm work or fishing jobs or any employment that is specific to the geographic location you’ve chosen for the next few weeks.

You can expect the same if not higher pay in positions similar to ones found through staffing agencies. Some seasonal jobs are exceptionally well-paying and some may include room and board. Health benefits, again, are rarely offered to seasonal/temporary workers.

To begin your research in finding work directly through employers, keep your eyes open for ads for seasonal work. You’ll find these in supermarkets, the local papers or even online. Once you get to camp and begin meeting people, tell them right away that you’re looking for work. Visit community center job boards too.

If you’re interested in Workamping or Camp Hosting jobs, visit here.

Yes, you can make a living while RVing full time. Good luck in your job search!

The information in this article was obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements, nor is it intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms, and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here and such policy will be governed by the language contained therein. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.