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Tips for Women RVing Solo

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Safety and security are issues everyone is concerned about, especially when it comes to traveling alone. You don’t want to be targeted by thieves or others with a heinous agenda just because you’re by yourself. This fear may be stronger for many women RVers traveling alone in the wilderness or desert. However, with the right precautions, you should not let this fear deter you from pursuing your RV adventures. Read on for a few tips on how to stay safe and feel secure while RVing solo.

Before Your Solo Trip

Learn Your RV Inside & Out

It’s not advisable to go RVing alone the first couple times you go camping in one. If possible, take someone who has RVing experience with you on your first trip. You want to feel comfortable handling your rig, dumping and using electricity without blowing a fuse. You’ll also want to practice hooking up at an RV site. Make sure you know how to do this before you end up doing it wrong in front of the entire campsite.

Know General RV Maintenance

RVing soloYou don’t want to have to worry about the normal maintenance that comes with traveling in an RV. No, you may not become a mechanic overnight. However, if you plan to travel alone often, it’s a good idea to learn about common RV maintenance issues and repairs. You can also find some reliable YouTube videos that show you how to take care of your RV, too. The last thing you want is to look stranded and helpless on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere. So, know all there is to know about your RV and how to maintain it before RVing solo.

Ensure Your RV Is Reliable

Have your RV checked out completely by a licensed professional well in advance of any solo trip you’ve planned. Once again, you don’t want to be stuck on the side of road. Make sure the person checking your RV does a thorough job and even assesses your RV’s tires. You don’t want any mishaps while you’re driving.

Research Your Destination

Sometimes being a woman traveling alone requires more research than when you’re traveling with others. It’s important to learn as much as you can about where you’re headed before you hit the road. That way, you’re aware of which areas are safe to travel through and which aren’t. Don’t get caught driving through a sketchy area in the middle of the night.

Know How To Navigate

Make sure you have an updated GPS and that you know how to use it. It doesn’t hurt to have backup maps in case you end up without service, too. There’s nothing worse than getting lost when you’re by yourself and far away from home. This is especially true if you’re somewhere new and unfamiliar.

On Your Solo Trip

Listen to Your Gut

When you’re RVing alone, it’s more than okay to follow your gut feeling. If you pull up to a campsite that gives you the creeps, pull out and go to the next one. Always trust your instincts, especially when you’re alone. It’s better to be overly cautious than to end up in an uncomfortable or even dangerous situation.

Lock Up

Once you’ve landed at an RV site, don’t forget to lock the doors. Also, close the windows. Turn on the AC if you have to, but make sure your windows don’t become accessible. It’s best to play it safe while RVing solo, especially if others have noticed you’re alone.

Stay Close to Others

woman RVing soloEven if you’re boondocking and looking forward to some privacy, it’s not a bad idea to stay within earshot of other campers. After all, there’s safety in numbers. Plus, if you run into any emergencies, you’ll know that someone is nearby to help. You should also stick to well-lit areas when you’re parking overnight in a lot. Avoid isolated spots along the highway, too, just to be safe.

Be Discreet

There’s absolutely no reason to tell people you meet along the way that you are traveling alone. You don’t want anyone with bad intentions to try and take advantage of your solo situation. In fact, sometimes it’s simply a good idea to say that you’re there with a partner who went on a solo hike but is coming back soon.

Turn in Early

Get off the road before it gets dark, especially if you haven’t reserved a site at a campground yet. This will give you time to settle in and prevent you from walking around the campsite alone late at night.

Stay Connected

Let close friends or family know where you are and keep them up-to-date on where you’re located. Check in every once in a while to let them know you’re okay. This rule applies to anywhere you’re going, whether it’s in an RV or not.

Blare the Horn

Flip on the lights and lay on it if you hear someone prowling around your RV. Hopefully, this will scare off any prowlers and alert campers around you. You can always drive off, too, even if you’re hooked up.

Bring Your Dog

A dog is not only a great deterrent to intruders, but also great companionship. Just check your destination ahead of time to make sure that pets are allowed.

Must-Carry RV Items For Women

  • RVing soloLight bulbs
  • Fan belts
  • Fuses
  • Phone(s)
  • Extra food
  • Extra water
  • First aid kit
  • RV manuals
  • Booster to find a signal

RVing solo doesn’t have to be scary. In fact, it can be truly liberating. Another tip for traveling solo is to have the right RV Insurance. Specialty RV Insurance will cover you for accidents, theft and more. Some carriers also offer roadside assistance which can be beneficial to a solo RVer. Speak with an Insurance Specialist at (866) 501-7335 to discover what coverage is right for you and your RV lifestyle.

The information in this article is obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements, nor is it intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.