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Building the Perfect Campfire (Part III): 10 Easy Steps to Safely Putting Out Your Campfire

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No one likes a guest who leaves behind a huge mess, especially at RV campsites. In fact, you may even get banned from a campsite if you do damage or leave behind the unsightly remains of a campfire. Putting out a campfire may sound easy but some people are completely clueless about how to put out a campfire, even when they can build a great one. It’s not as easy as pouring water over the pit. Here’s how to do it right without worry about getting yourself a bad reputation.Building the Perfect Campfire (Part III): 10 Easy Steps to Safely Putting Out Your Campfire

camp fire

The Perfect Campfire Series (Part II): Where & How to Build a Great Fire

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Not all campsites were created equal and some may not even allow you to dig a pit for a campfire, so make sure to ask questions and read all the signs once you arrive. Better yet, if not being able to sit around a fire and toast marshmallows is going to ruin your fun, you should ask the campground’s manager before you make a reservation.

For part I of this series, visit: The Perfect Campfire Series (Part I): Choosing the Right Fire Wood for a Long-Lasting Campfire.

The Perfect Campfire Series (Part II): Where & How to Build a Great Fire

The Perfect Campfire Series (Part I): Choosing the Right Fire Wood for a Long-Lasting Campfire

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Sure, you have a stove and an oven in your RV or trailer, but camping just isn’t the same without building a proper fire. You may or may not use this fire for cooking, but a campfire is the centerpiece for storytelling, drinking, and bonding in general. Besides, just because you’ve got an RV and are not tent camping doesn’t mean you won’t be making S’mores.

For part II of this series, visit: The Perfect Campfire Series (Part I): Choosing the Right Fire Wood for a Long-Lasting Campfire.

The Perfect Campfire Series (Part I): Choosing the Right Fire Wood for a Long-Lasting Campfire

RVing in the Desert Southwest: Destinations & Travel Tips

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Some RVers always head to an oceanfront campsite, others like to be in the middle of a lush national park and some enjoy boondocking lakeside with their fully equipped RVs. There is also a breed of RVers that loves nothing more than to RV in the desert, specifically the desert Southwest. Arizona, New Mexico and Nevada are very popular with year-round RVers who migrate to warmer climates and settle down for a few weeks at a time.RVing in the Desert Southwest: Destinations & Travel Tips