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RV Insurance Covers These Top Two RV Mistakes

Whether you’re an experienced driver or a newbie when it comes to road-tripping, RV Insurance comes in handy when the unexpected happens. Remember, a standard car insurance policy won’t cover your RV in the event of an accident. But Specialty RV Insurance carriers fully understand what you and your RV need, including the right type of RV Insurance policy. RV Insurance Specialists can give you insight into the coverage that’s right for you, and at the right price. There are hundreds of things that can happen to or because of your RV.

Here are the top two claims that your RV insurance will cover:

1. RV Tire Blowouts

Most claims occur because of an RV tire blowout. When a tire blows out, your RV can incur a lot of damage and may even cause injury to its passengers or other people around it. RVs are bigger than the average car on the road which sometimes makes them harder to control. Blowouts can be caused by overloaded or unevenly-loaded trailers. They can also occur if a tire is over-inflated, under-inflated or simply worn out from too much use.

Luckily, you may be able to add coverage to your RV Insurance policy to help you in the event that your RV tire does blowout. However, you should do your best to to prevent blowouts from occurring altogether. You can do this by checking your tire pressure before starting a trip. Just make sure you check it when the tires are cold and not warmed up from a lot of travel. In addition, change your tires every 5-7 years, regardless of how often you drive. Worn tires can more easily blowout on the road.

2. Hitting Overhangs and Bridges

RV Insurance - RV driving scenic roadAnother huge source of recreational vehicle damage comes from misjudging the height of gas station overhangs or bridges. Running into these low overhangs or bridges can cost you thousands of dollars in damages to your RV. You do not want to have to pay for that out of your own pocket.

That’s why you should invest in a quality RV Insurance policy. Just in case you misjudge your RV size. After all, we’re all human. To prevent this type of accident from happening, write down the height of your RV and post it somewhere handy. A good place could be your windshield or your dashboard. Also, look over your route and make a note of any bridges that might pose a problem. Most importantly, if it looks too dicey, your best bet is to stop and find an alternate gas station or route.

Specialty RV Insurance

A little preventative action on your part can help keep these RV problems from arising. But if you do damage your recreational vehicle, rest assured that you will be covered with adequate RV Insurance. If you want to make sure you’re financially protected in the event of an RV accident, speak with an RV Insurance Specialist at (866) 501-7335.

The information in this article was obtained from various sources. This content is offered for educational purposes only and does not represent contractual agreements, nor is it intended to replace manuals or instructions provided by the manufacturer or the advice of a qualified professional. The definitions, terms, and coverage in a given policy may be different than those suggested here. Such policy will be governed by the language contained therein. No warranty or appropriateness for a specific purpose is expressed or implied.

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