Women’s RV Clubs: How the RV Industry Is Slowly Changing

Women’s RV Clubs: How the RV Industry Is Slowly Changing

Despite most people’s assumptions, there are thousands of women who RV alone or solely with other women. It’s true: There are women in their 20s and those over the age of 80, who drive a big old rig all by themselves. Some of them even travel solo. The statistics tell us that 8.9 million households own an RV, but it’s still unclear how many of these RVers are women who go it alone. We also don’t know how many of these households are led by women. In many ways, women are highly underrepresented in the RV community overall so we can only guess what the real numbers are for women who RV without a male companion. Women’s RV clubs are trying to change all that now by bringing female RVers to the forefront.

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There are several all-women’s RV clubs in this country but one club in particular, the RVing Women, is growing fast. RVing Women was founded in 1991 and is now the oldest and largest all-female RV club in the world. It boasts more than 2,000 members from all over the world and its goal is to make female RV owners more visible in a male dominated industry. The club has 18 regional chapters around the U.S, which includes Freewheelers, a non-profit that brings women together for rallies, educational seminars and just to have some fun.

All-female RV clubs empower women by allowing members to share personal experiences with one another. There’s nothing more convincing than a woman telling another woman that yes, she can travel all alone and that yes, she can also drive that huge rig without having an accident. The stories of veteran female RVers are invaluable to women who are hesitant about getting on the road without a man.

So far, RVing Women chapters have been very successful in creating safe and supportive environments for new members. Women use these types of clubs as a way to meet up with one another while on the road. Not only do they have meals together, they answer each other’s technical questions and help each other out in general.

Often, the women meet at RV parks for a BBQ while getting to know one another. If you’re thinking about traveling alone and are scared, worried or just plain curious about what you should expect, you may want to reach out to an RV group. If that’s too big a step for you, there are also lots of blogs written by women who’ve braved it already and lived to tell all about it!

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There are a number of great blogs out there for RVing women. Here are 3 blogs that are filled with some pretty great writing by some really amazing women:

Interstellar Orchard

Becky Schade is a full-time RVer traveling solo and on a budget. She’s a great example to follow if you have the same restrictions.

Gypsy Jane’s Blog

Jane is on her fourth motorhome now and still writing all about all her adventures. She travels for work and for fun and posts photos of her days on the road.img_4404


Janet Groene gives readers safety, entertainment and how-to tips specific to women traveling alone. Her guidance is invaluable to newbies.

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